Clearfil SE Bond is two-step self-etch light cure bonding agent for use with all indirect restorations and core build-up composites.
•Kit includes: 6ml Primer 5ml Bond 1 Dispensing Dish 1 Light-Blocking Plate 1 Outer Case 1 Applicator Brush
•Value Pack includes: 3 - Primer (6ml) 3 - Bond (5ml)
•Kit includes: 6ml Primer 5ml Bond 1 Dispensing Dish 1 Light-Blocking Plate 1 Outer Case 1 Applicator Brush
•Value Pack includes: 3 - Primer (6ml) 3 - Bond (5ml)
Clearfil SE Bond is two-step self-etch light cure bonding agent for use with all indirect restorations and core build-up composites.
•Kit includes: 6ml Primer 5ml Bond 1 Dispensing Dish 1 Light-Blocking Plate 1 Outer Case 1 Applicator Brush
•Value Pack includes: 3 - Primer (6ml) 3 - Bond (5ml)
•Kit includes: 6ml Primer 5ml Bond 1 Dispensing Dish 1 Light-Blocking Plate 1 Outer Case 1 Applicator Brush
•Value Pack includes: 3 - Primer (6ml) 3 - Bond (5ml)
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